Submit Your Filming Location
The Location Spot welcomes new submissions of all types!
If you would like us to consider your location for filming, simply complete the form below. Then, you can send up to 10 images that best show off the property to LocationSpot@gmail.com.
Categories Always In Demand Include (but not limited to):
Homes and Apartments
Schools (private or specialty)
Place of Worship
Parking Lots
Vacation Rentals
- Vacant Lots
Thanks for your interest. We will respond to every entry within 48 hours.
Step 1: Your Information
Step 2: Photo Submission
Visually introduce us to your location! Please send us a variety of photos (up to 10).
Limit your submission to 20MB total.
Send to: LocationSpot@gmail.com
Photo Guidelines
Here are example of the best types of photos to submit.
For Residential Locations:
Front & back of residence
Yard features (size, landscaping, pool, etc.)
Living Room
Dining Area
Game Rooms, Man Caves, Theme Rooms
Varied Sizes (Wide Shots vs. Close-ups)
For Business Locations:
Front & back of business location
Main business areas such as showrooms, conference rooms, dining/bar areas, etc.
Special architecture, interior or exterior.